Implementation examples
We also invite you to get acquainted with the sample scopes of implementations that we have carried out together with our clients.

A central controlling system supporting the processes of planning, budgeting and execution monitoring. In addition to other applications specific to Agora, the platform was used to create a highly specialised solution for planning and accounting for promotional campaigns. Another creative use of the system is the allocation of IT costs within the organisation, based on the ITIL service model.
Implementation of a system supporting all financial processes of the Aryzta Group (over 150 affiliated entities). The system is used as the main source of financial data in terms of performance, budgets and forecasts. The system fully supports the financial consolidation process. It is used to automate and streamline the tasks necessary for the preparation of consolidated reports: integration of data from the Financial Accounting System, adjustments to separate financial statements in order to comply with Group standards, control and reconciliation of inter-company transactions, verification of the correctness of financial statements on a local and Group level, currency calculations, handling of manual adjustments, automation of standard eliminations (inter-company transactions, minority interests, etc.), generation of Cash Flow Statements based on the P&L and Balance Sheet movements, making consolidated statements available. The consolidation processes support statutory and management reporting and enable the creation and use of alternative hierarchies for the group structure and accounts. Management reporting supports e.g. cost allocation, calculation of KPIs and ratios, customised set of reports for company management.

Development of an application that allows for efficient budgeting and forecasting processes as well as fast and reliable reporting and analysis. The built model is based on Profit and Loss Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow statements, and additionally on specific models such as: Production, Fixed Costs, Purchases and Terms of Trade, discounts and advertising and marketing costs. The system plans and reports a full set of financial statements with the ability to report actual data to a level of detail by Customer, Place of Sale and Product.
Bank BGŻ
A central controlling system supporting the processes of planning, budgeting and monitoring execution. The budget model is equipped with dedicated solutions allowing for detailed revenue and cost planning in the entire bank.

Bank BPH
The system serves as a primary budgeting tool and the main centre of management and managerial information (MIS). The solution integrates data from several dozen internal systems of the bank. The system is used by over 500 users, allowing them, among other things, to consolidate data in an extensive organisational structure, analyse the profitability of products or vendors. It is used mainly in the banking division.
BNP Paribas Bank Polska
Wsparcie Banku w zakresie rozwoju systemu informacji zarządczej realizowanego w ramach projektu centralnego portalu sprawozdawczo-raportowego. Rozwiązanie jest zbudowane z wykorzystaniem systemu IBM Cognos Analytics zasilanego z Hurtowni Danych MS SQL oraz zabezpieczone mechanizmami dostępu i uprawnień dostosowanymi do ról, grup użytkowników. W ramach współpracy, konsultanci Cogit rozwijają modele raportowe, źródła danych raportowych oraz tworzą gotowe wizualizacje i raporty sprawozdawcze, controllingowe czy wspierające sieć sprzedaży. System przyczynił się znacząco do wzrostu efektywności podejmowanych decyzji - jest systematycznie wykorzystywany (ponad 4800 odsłon miesięcznie) przez 2050 użytkowników, korzystających z ponad 40 dedykowanych raportów.

BOŚ Bank
Implementation of a strategic planning model - developing a model that allows efficient simulation and analysis of the bank's performance under various market and operational assumptions. The model built by Cogit makes it possible to forecast and simulate the results for the entire organisation at the level of financial statements and basic indicators in a perspective of 3 to 5 years. The model is based on macroeconomic and operational parameters forecast by the Bank. In addition to core commercial activities, the system covers the areas of treasury, reserves, operations, assets and investments and equity.
BZK Group sp. z o.o.
Implementation of a system supporting budgeting and management reporting processes. The proposed approach to implementation enabled the preparation of planning, analytical and reporting models for Komagra Sp. z o.o., Bioagra S.A., Bioagra-Oil S.A. and BZK Group Sp. z o.o., thanks to which significant improvements and acceleration of planning and reporting processes are possible. Additionally, managerial consolidation models have been built to enable reporting and analysis of consolidated statements of the above mentioned companies. As regards reporting and analyses, the application is based on the Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow statements, and additionally on specific models such as: Production, Fixed Costs, Purchases, Credits and Warehousing.

The system enables sales planning by budgeted products (product divisions, products on sale, publishing projects), automatic calculation of price, production costs and margin. An important functionality is the planning of distribution costs, taking into account differentiated pricing structures depending on product groups and distribution channels, as well as dynamic management of the publishing plan over time, without the need to adjust the plans of individual products each time. Reporting mechanisms automatically generate estimated financial statements - Profit and Loss Account and information necessary to prepare forecast Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement.
Dr Irena Eris
Design, development and implementation of a sales forecasting system at the Dr Irena Eris Cosmetics Laboratory based on the Infor d/EPM platform. The system is actively used by over 20 people, both for planning purposes, daily performance reporting and historical sales reporting. The system also enables verification and entry of data directly from the company's customers and is equipped with mechanisms for automatic generation of statistical prompts and standard functionality for entering uplifts, freebies, or adding comments to individual values.

Implementation of a solution constituting a primary source of managerial information for managers at all levels. The comprehensive service of financial controlling processes includes budgeting, periodical reporting and mid-year result forecasts. Equally important areas of the system are operational controlling, where full reporting on the effectiveness of the process of providing medical services is carried out, and the sales department, where the profitability of products for individual customers is reported.
ING Bank Śląski
Implementation of Performance Management system in the area of planning and reporting results for Retail Banking Division. For reporting and analytical purposes, detailed KPIs were implemented for 3 groups of recipients: regional directors and budget specialists, area users, users from the Head Office. Reporting covered sales of products, risks and a number of detailed financial, quality and operational indicators.

Kingspan Group plc.
The solution provided by Cogit originally covered budgeting and management reporting processes. In 2009, the functionality of the system was extended by financial consolidation mechanisms based on IAS. The consolidation covers all companies of the group (about 200 entities) belonging to 5 product divisions. The system enables reconciliation and elimination of internal settlements, conversion of separate financial statements to the group's functional currency (along with automatic calculation of exchange rate differences), and automatic elimination of shares in related parties and capital. The process of consolidation of the entire group is the responsibility of three people in the head office and individual employees in each division.
Design and implementation of a Performance Management system supporting the processes of budgeting and management reporting (Oracle Hyperion Planning and Oracle BI). The planning and reporting needs include the creation of an application to support process management and the provision of management information within the group and in individual companies (the implementation covers a total of 4 companies).

Kompania Piwowarska
Fixed cost budgeting system, enriched with a fleet cost planning module. Full integration with the SAP system in the scope of data exchange. The implemented solution enables the execution of multiple budget iterations in a single budget cycle.
Leroy Merlin Polska
The system supports the implementation of budgeting, analysis and reporting processes at Leroy Merlin Polska. As part of the project, a Data Warehouse was prepared, which executes the processes of data acquisition and processing, and a fully optimized version of the software was implemented, tailored to the reporting needs of the financial management and management control divisions. The solution helped to increase efficiency in the controlling area and to adjust it to the standards of ADEO, which includes Leroy Merlin Polska and over 30 companies from 12 countries worldwide.

Implementation of the Performance Management system in the area of budgeting, performance monitoring and management consolidation. The system is used by the headquarters in Poland and by foreign companies. The distribution network includes over 1000 stores operating under various brands (Reserved, Cropp, House, Mohito) in 10 countries.
Cogit has implemented a system supporting the planning and budgeting model applicable to the entire mBank Group. As part of the system implementation, budget models (cost, income and central) were developed for mBank and in the next stage a budget-reporting model was built for the whole mBank Group equipped with a financial consolidation mechanism. It was necessary, among other things, to unify data structures with the reporting system, budgeting in original currencies, efficient management of exchange rates, presentation of data by investor - Commerzbank, budget calculation on the basis of performance, and detailing selected thematic areas (e.g. RWA, shadow-accounting, depreciation of assets and fixed assets).

The implementation of a mobile reporting application from Essbase, with elements of reporting via the Internet and from relational sources. As part of the work, licences were delivered, environments installed (3 environments, SSL and AD configuration), workshops conducted and several dozen reports prepared from various databases and in various report formats.
The solutions implemented by Cogit are used for planning, budgeting, analysis and reporting in most areas of Bank activity. Nearly 1,000 users use the system to plan revenues and operating costs, obtain comprehensive management information and link the incentive system to the results of management work (Management By Objective).

The solution supports business management using the ABC and ABB methods. It allows for multidimensional analysis of costs related to individual distribution channels, customer segments and types of marketing activities. The system is widely accepted by company employees and the results are used to assess the profitability of individual cost objects and to plan optimisation activities.
Development, maintenance and integration of Oracle Hyperion Financial Management software for the needs of the ROBYG Capital Group.

Implementation of a reporting application for T-Mobile Polska based on the existing Hyperion EPM platform. As part of the work, Oracle Business Intelligence licences were delivered, environments installed and configured, workshops conducted, and a set of reports prepared from various sources (Hyperion EPM and relational databases) and using various report formats.
The developed and implemented business model reflected the specificity and principles of EW S.A. operation based on activity-based costing and internal market. The budget is generated on the basis of the demand for individual activities (services) and then resources introduced or calculated by the model. Most of the basic information in the main sequence of sales-production-purchases is generated by the model automatically on the basis of sales plans and definitions of the use of resources, semi-finished products and raw materials. Data on the volume of irregular activities is generated on the basis of user-entered demands for such activities (e.g. repairs, maintenance, etc.). Such a structure makes it possible to carry out detailed analyses of potential use and market simulations. Uniform structure of the model enables ongoing comparison of plan and execution at any level of organisation and data cross-section.

Wyborowa S.A.
A central budget system covering the areas of departmental cost planning, P&L account and inputs and fixed assets. The solution is integrated with the source ERP system and Data Warehouse and is managed by business users. This approach has reduced the handling time of budget processes and simplified them significantly. In parallel, the system supports two geographically separated business areas of the Pernod Ricard group in Poland: production for the group and distribution on the domestic market.