Case Study

Increased planning speed, elimination of errors associated with the use of Excel, easier implementation of changes and their immediate visualisation are just some of the elements that have contributed to the improvement of the process of planning sales and distribution of new games.
CDP is one of the leading players in the multimedia distribution market in Poland. The company was founded in 2004 under the name CD Projekt and in 2014, as a result of a management buyout, it started operations under the new name CDP. 2015 was an exceptional year for the company, doubling its share of the Polish distribution market and achieving over 300% sales growth on the e-commerce platform. Currently, the company is focused on distributing video games and puzzles under the Weird Puzzles brand and toys such as GearBlox bricks on the Polish market.
The dynamic growth of the company resulted in the fact that the existing controlling solutions based on Excel files were not sufficient, and their use was laborious and time-consuming. The wide range of assortment, its variability and the dynamics of introducing new products made it necessary to automate budgeting and reporting processes using a flexible tool that would support the publishing process and sales planning.
In order to support planning and reporting processes, it was decided to implement the Infor d/EPM solution. The company had a reliable source of data in the form of the ERP system - Microsoft AX, and the previously developed models and mappings contained in Excel files provided a good basis for its modelling in the new analytical and reporting system.
The main determinant of the choice of system was its flexibility and the possibility of fast sales planning and generating forecasts of the result on products, sales, costs or margin calculation.
The key element of the implemented system is a planning format, which enables planning sales by budgeted products (product divisions, products on sale, publishing projects), automatic calculation of price, production costs and margin. An important functionality is the planning of distribution costs, taking into account differentiated price structures depending on product groups and distribution channels, as well as dynamic management of the publishing plan over time, without the need to adjust the plans of individual products each time.
Reporting mechanisms automatically generate an estimated financial statement - Profit and Loss Account - and information necessary to prepare a forecast Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement. The planning model and reporting system prepared in this way is used in the daily work of the finance, sales and publishing departments.
Automating the process of preparing reports eliminated errors related to the use of Excel and significantly contributed to an increase in the speed of planning. The solution enables easier implementation of changes and immediate visualisation of their impact on the company's results.
Robert Wesołowski, CEO, CDP.